What is Heronium?
A Fantastic Superhero Comic based on the adventures of a Young teenager named James Peterson who discovers amazing powers one day. These powers help him become a Hero even though james isn't very hero-like at first. James begins as a troublemaker who lives only for thrills, however he gradually grows more focused on helping others and focuses on becoming a better and more heroic man. He does this alongside corny during his journeys to stop the evil mr. Doomster. After his ultimate victory against mr. doomster through two hard years of fighting powerful robots and protecting countless people, life finally returns to normal. james returns to living as an ordinary teenager although much more mature now and soon enough grows into a responsible, kind, and respectful adult. He marries katie and eventually has his own children, who also become heroes. His children go on to do incredibly heroic things and eventually save the universe from annihilation multiple times. The title of Heronium references the element heronium which is a fictional element and plays a crucial role in the story. the element heronium is what grants the power/powers to the User(individual that drank the liquid element heronium). To differentiate these two types of Heronium the Capital-ized Heronium will reference the title of the comic and the lowercase heronium will reference the element.